
Heick pickleball, national city tour in china

Heick pickleball, national city tour in china

 The HEICK team participated in the Shenzhen leg of the China Pickleball Tour on March 23 and 24, 2024, and achieved excellent results! This is our once again appearance at...

Heick pickleball, national city tour in china

 The HEICK team participated in the Shenzhen leg of the China Pickleball Tour on March 23 and 24, 2024, and achieved excellent results! This is our once again appearance at...

HEICK Helps JF Pickleball Club Secure 6th Place in the 2023 Macau Pickleball Invitational

HEICK Helps JF Pickleball Club Secure 6th Place...

In an impressive display of skill and determination, the Jinfang Picnic Ball Club from Shenzhen, sponsored by HEICK brand, achieved a commendable 6th place finish in the highly anticipated 2023...

HEICK Helps JF Pickleball Club Secure 6th Place...

In an impressive display of skill and determination, the Jinfang Picnic Ball Club from Shenzhen, sponsored by HEICK brand, achieved a commendable 6th place finish in the highly anticipated 2023...

HEICK Helps JF Pickleball Club Win the Runner-up of 2023 Guangdong Province Pickleball Championship Team Event

HEICK Helps JF Pickleball Club Win the Runner-u...

# HEICK Brand Helps Jingfang Pickleball Club Win the Runner-up of 2023 Guangdong Province Pickleball Championship Team EventJingfang Pickleball Club in Shenzhen achieved great success in the 2023 Guangdong Province...

HEICK Helps JF Pickleball Club Win the Runner-u...

# HEICK Brand Helps Jingfang Pickleball Club Win the Runner-up of 2023 Guangdong Province Pickleball Championship Team EventJingfang Pickleball Club in Shenzhen achieved great success in the 2023 Guangdong Province...

Chinese Homepage 中文介绍

Chinese Homepage 中文介绍

注:本网站主要面向全球的官方展示网站,界面主要是英文。     HEICK 由前IFP推广大使Simon与Harry两位华人于2021年在美国共同创办,在加拿大与Heick家族通过匹克球相识相知,故取名HEICK。   目前HEICK品牌已远销美、加、中、日、韩、马来西亚、新加坡、台湾、泰国、越南、印度、欧洲等地,在中国深圳有独立的运营团队以及自有工厂,专门定位于pickleball专业级市场的品牌之一。   HEICK专注于pickleball球拍和相关匹克球配件的设计、研发和销售,主要销售渠道为Amazon、shopify、Shopee、京东、淘宝等海内外线上平台,已拥有了一定的客户粉丝,获得了一定的知名度和美誉度。       HEICK pickleball致力于在全球市场塑造匹克球运动品牌,通过不断创新,将富有科技魅力的领先产品带向全球消费者,弘扬中国智造之美。成功打造了ColorsFun, NONTSTOP等USAPA国际匹克球协会认证单品,并进一步拓宽业务领域,在匹克球网,球,套装等配件均有出色表现。       自成立以来,HEICK匹克球还在深圳成立了匹克球俱乐部,每周举办体验课教学,挑战赛等活动,欢迎广大匹克球爱好者前来交流。       如果你希望获取匹克球视频教学方面的内容,请访问我们的官方抖音平台:海剋匹克球俱乐部       如果您有设备方面的购买需求,请访问我们的淘宝官方店铺:HEICK Pickleball官方店    ...

Chinese Homepage 中文介绍

注:本网站主要面向全球的官方展示网站,界面主要是英文。     HEICK 由前IFP推广大使Simon与Harry两位华人于2021年在美国共同创办,在加拿大与Heick家族通过匹克球相识相知,故取名HEICK。   目前HEICK品牌已远销美、加、中、日、韩、马来西亚、新加坡、台湾、泰国、越南、印度、欧洲等地,在中国深圳有独立的运营团队以及自有工厂,专门定位于pickleball专业级市场的品牌之一。   HEICK专注于pickleball球拍和相关匹克球配件的设计、研发和销售,主要销售渠道为Amazon、shopify、Shopee、京东、淘宝等海内外线上平台,已拥有了一定的客户粉丝,获得了一定的知名度和美誉度。       HEICK pickleball致力于在全球市场塑造匹克球运动品牌,通过不断创新,将富有科技魅力的领先产品带向全球消费者,弘扬中国智造之美。成功打造了ColorsFun, NONTSTOP等USAPA国际匹克球协会认证单品,并进一步拓宽业务领域,在匹克球网,球,套装等配件均有出色表现。       自成立以来,HEICK匹克球还在深圳成立了匹克球俱乐部,每周举办体验课教学,挑战赛等活动,欢迎广大匹克球爱好者前来交流。       如果你希望获取匹克球视频教学方面的内容,请访问我们的官方抖音平台:海剋匹克球俱乐部       如果您有设备方面的购买需求,请访问我们的淘宝官方店铺:HEICK Pickleball官方店    ...

Emerging Sport Pickleball Debuts At Guangzhou Sports Festival

Emerging Sport Pickleball Debuts At Guangzhou S...

On August 15, 2020, the 2020 Guangzhou Sixteenth Sports Festival Pickleball National Fitness Carnival was held in Guangzhou Workers Stadium.           "2020 National Fitness Day and...

Emerging Sport Pickleball Debuts At Guangzhou S...

On August 15, 2020, the 2020 Guangzhou Sixteenth Sports Festival Pickleball National Fitness Carnival was held in Guangzhou Workers Stadium.           "2020 National Fitness Day and...

How to choose the pickleball paddle ?

How to choose the pickleball paddle ?

Pickeball is a kind of sport that uses paddle to hit the ball. It is rising from Ben birich island in Seattle. It can be said that it is a mixture of tennis, badminton...

How to choose the pickleball paddle ?

Pickeball is a kind of sport that uses paddle to hit the ball. It is rising from Ben birich island in Seattle. It can be said that it is a mixture of tennis, badminton...